Countdown: Top Seven ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ Videos On YouTube

On June 6th, the film version of The Fault In Our Stars arrives in theaters. The adaptation of John Green‘s best-selling novel has generated a ton of interest on YouTube thanks to Green’s status as one half of the Vlogbrothers. In the days leading up to the film’s release, several YouTube channels have posted videos related to The Fault In Our Stars in order to connect to the book’s huge fan base. Here are seven of our favorites out of 6,600 relevant videos:

7. The Best Fault In Our Stars Fan Art! by POPSUGAR Girls’ Guide

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POPSUGAR has celebrated the massive pre-release hype by diving into The Fault In Our Stars‘ fan community. Here, the female-skewing network has logged on to DeviantArt to pick out a few choice pieces of fan art, many of which include specific lines from Green’s highly-quotable novel.

6. What Love Looks Like by BuzzFeed Yellow

BuzzFeed’s secondary YouTube channel invited Green and stars Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort to its offices, prompting the three stars to draw what they think love looks like. The end result: Three basic sketches for potential album covers.

5. Grouplove – Let Me In by 20th Century FOX

The Fault In Our Stars‘ soundtrack has gained considerable attention, with the contributing musicians teaming up for a live streaming concert at YouTube Space LA. While Ed Sheeran’s titular track has received the most views, I’m partial to Grouplove’s jauntier addition to the album.

4. Teens React to The Fault In Our Stars by The Fine Bros

The first trailer for The Fault In Our Stars is now the most-liked on YouTube, making it an easy target for The Fine Bros‘ Teens React series. Let’s give some big ups to the teen who insisted that he has no plans to read The Fault In Our Stars

even when staring John Green right in the face.

3. John Green – The Fault In Our Stars Chat by iJustine

Green has a lot of friends on YouTube, many of whom have offered their support to his film on the eve of its release. YouTuber iJustine sat down for a 13-minute chat with Green, one that includes a lot of behind-the-scenes trivia from the film (The Fault In Our Stars was filmed in iJustine’s hometown, Pittsburgh.)

2. 8 Facts About “The Fault In Our Stars” Movie by Josh Sundquist

Josh Sundquist is a cancer survivor and a friend of John Green’s so we can assume he’s very excited about The Fault In Our Stars. He showed off his excitement by reeling off eight interesting facts about the movie. The best tidbit: Green got a cameo in the film, but his scene was ultimately cut. Sorry, Vlogbrothers fans.

1. The Fault In Our Stars Movie Premiere by Vlogbrothers

For our number video, there’s no place to go but the source. Green vlogged from the premiere of The Fault In Our Stars, and the resulting video shows off the incredible magnitude of the book’s fandom. At the premiere, Green is an absolute celebrity who gets mobbed by teenage girls. For anyone worried that today’s kids don’t read enough or don’t care about literature, this video provides ample evidence to the contrary.

What’s your favorite The Fault In Our Stars video? Let us know and check out our previous Countdowns here.

Photo credit: Getty Images

Published by
Sam Gutelle

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