Outside the Box: Creative Marketing in Online Video

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Over 60 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. That’s one hour every second. With so much noise out there, how do you get traction with your videos? It’s time to learn the truth about what it really takes to launch a video online.

At our last Tubefilter Meetup, Cheaters Never Prosper, we learned from our panelists of top YouTube creators the importance of YouTube Subscriptions and how indie producers are making the best of their limited resources to promote their programs.

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Now it’s time to turn to the experts.

Outside the Box:
Creative Marketing in Online Video

Wednesday, March 7, 2012 in Los Angeles
Early Bird Tickets on Sale Until February 19!

If this year’s Super Bowl Ads were any indication, social video is an extraordinaryily powerful format for engaging consumers. From small companies trying to break through the noise to global brands vying to edge out their competitors, getting noticed online is what its all about, and our panelists have turned video marketing into an art form.

Join us as we hear from the pros just what it takes to get a video campaign to take off, whether for a new product, a new movie, or a new web series.


Rome Viharo
Senior Vice President, Business Development and Innovations, Alphabird

As an early evangelizer of YouTube, Rome Viharo has been involved in viral marketing around YouTube as early as 2007. His complete skill set is content development and production, marketing, media planning and buying around social and viral campaigns. He was worked with some of the biggest brands, agencies, and studios in the world. In 2011, he gave a TED talk on ‘Google Consciousness’ in the UK.

Tony Chen
CEO, Yellow Thunder Media

YTM is a YouTube-centric platform specializing in seeding and optimization: generating organic views, growing subscribers, monetizing video content, and guaranteeing viral success for advertisers and content

creators on YouTube. YTM’s team is composed of experienced YouTubers and YouTube marketing experts who have successfully built and managed large YouTube channels, and generated more than 120 million views in 2011. YTM works with dozens of major brands and agencies worldwide.

Kai Hasson
Partner and Creative Director, Portal A
Creator, White Collar Brawler

In 2008 Kai Hasson co-founded Portal A, a creative studio based in Los Angeles and San Francisco that specializes in digital content for brands like YouTube, Banana Republic, Ubisoft and Jawbone. He oversees creative and production for the company.

Maggie Finch
CEO, King of the Web

For more than a decade, Maggie built aQuantive’s digital media services as a General Manager and VP of Media. In 2007, Maggie shifted her attention to publishers, building digital marketing and technology products at Microsoft Advertising as the General Manager of the Publisher Solutions division. Today, Maggie is enabling the web to reward talented and inspiring online personalities at King of the Web.

Moderator: Drew Baldwin, Tubefilter

Drew is the Co-Founder of Tubefilter and Executive Producer of the Streamy Awards.
This year we’ve been exploring how YouTube and its partner program have opened a clear path to online video monetization.

As we’ve learned from our contentious Beyond YouTube event, advertising revenue share on YouTube is just the tip of the iceberg: producers are maximizing their online video business with their own websites, platforms like Blip.tv, smartphone apps, merchandising, licensing, and more.

Being a successful online video producer is about being both a creator and a marketer. And in our Social Video on Steroids panel, the experts shared how to engage and drive audiences using best practices in social media marketing and promotion.

Photo Booth by Snap Yourself!

Outside the Box:
Creative Marketing in Online Video

Wednesday, March 7, 2012 in Los Angeles
Early Bird Tickets on Sale Until February 19!

Published by
Drew Baldwin

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