Categories: Tilzy.TV

Los Angeleno Finds Relationships and Funny with 'My Two Fans'

Ever since Tina Fey‘s over-sharing, sarcastic, self-deprecating persona made her the “it girl” of female comedy, it seems as if countless other comedic actresses have attempted to duplicate her mojo. In the web series My Two Fans, what Liz Lemon lacks, Kate Maxwell has on her side.

Barret Swatek (Quarterlife, 7th Heaven) stars as Kate, a Los Angeleno rebounding from yet another breakup and still not grasping the basic principles of “He’s Just Not That Into You.” Todd Felix (The Mentalist) and Bill Escudier (Family Guy, Bones) are Franklin and Teddy, “two fans” who take her under their wing and attempt to life coach some sense into her.

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So who are these fans? They’re not gay best friends – that would have been too 90’s, too Will & Grace. They’re sensitive hetero-men, meant to be heard and not seen in their quest to land Kate a significant other. But, this being a comedy, grown men who follow her around wearing pro-Kate t-shirts prove hard to hide.

Forming a sort of testosterone and common sense companion team, the duo follows the starlet around everywhere – on dates, job interviews, in her closet picking out clothing before dates, and on and on. Because Kate couldn’t follow “The Rules” if she tried, they are her Life Cops, her last line of defense before becoming Ally McBeal.

MWG Entertainment’s first online show succeeds as a cleverly written episodic chick flick which gets progressively wackier in each installment. It’s mellow but amusiing, born of a good heart saddled with a jaded outlook. Written and directed by Lauren Iungerich (who has developed projects for CBS, Mel Gibson, and The Weinstein Company), My Two Fans’ premise is sufficiently funny, but what really sets the show apart are the situations and the frightful secondary characters.

Kate, Franklin, and Teddy encounter enough off-kilter men and women on their search for her Mr. Right that they end up seeming normal by comparison. Anyone who has ever lived in Los Angeles, or dated fruitlessly can surely empathize.

While Swatek, Felix, and Escudier aren’t broad comedians, they succeed in their earnest and likable portrayal of a trio united in their quest for her companion. Standout episodes include number six (“Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You“) in which men are interviewed, reality show style, about their likes and dislikes, and episode seven (“Breaking Up Is Hard To Do“) where the man they’ve chosen for Kate has no attraction to her.

My Two Fans is a 16 episode series with new shows premiering every Monday and Thursday. Check it out at

Published by
Anne Polsky

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