Christine Sydelko Says She’s Quitting The Internet: “It’s Such A Trivial Job”

By 09/12/2019
Christine Sydelko Says She’s Quitting The Internet: “It’s Such A Trivial Job”

Christine Sydelko, the comedy vlogger and podcast host, is quitting the internet, she shared last week on Twitter. The announcement (below) marks the first time that Sydelko, 25, has Tweeted since July. Her YouTube channel, which counts 1.3 million subscribers, has remained dormant for roughly the past seven months.

“I quit the internet stuff just FYI,” she wrote. “It’s such a trivial job. I can’t stand the people getting in fake drama for attention or acting like they’re a creative when they just film themselves living. It was sorta fun while it lasted, but I value my privacy more than followers now. See ya.” Sydelko posted the same missive to her Instagram account, where creators like Trisha Paytas and Matt King voiced their support in the comments.

Sydelko, who first rose to fame on Vine, skyrocketed into the zeitgeist via a vlog channel with her former friend and creative collaborator Elijah Daniel — though the two went their separate ways in Jan. 2018. Throughout her influencer career, Sydelko also hosted a podcast produced in conjunction with Studio71 titled Don’t Mess With Christine Sydelko, and also appeared in a Katy Perry music video. That said, Sydelko has long struggled with the realities that come with being an influencer, particularly insulting comments about her weight. In Aug. 2018, she said that the onslaught of online criticism was “genuinely the worst thing I’ve ever gone through and I almost let it ruin my entire life.”


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In May 2018, Sydelko was to hit the road with fellow comedic vlogger Drew Monson on a meet-and-greet tour with Fullscreen Live, though that venture was ultimately scrapped. Sydelko’s FanJoy page, where she previously vended merch, also appears to be inactive.

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