'You Can't Fast Forward a Live Show', Going LIVE! Panel at Tubefilter Meetup

What a night last night—thank you to everyone who made it out to the sold out Tubefilter Hollywood Web TV Meetup, the night was teeming with creative energy. It started off with a packed panel session, “Going LIVE!” where we got into the nuts and bolts of live streaming web series. The entire panel, which can be watched now on demand (above),  reached over 700 concurrent viewers on the live stream through Stickam.com and here on Tubefilter News. A higher-res version of the panel will be available soon.

We took a clue from panelist Tyler Crowley’s live web series, This Week in Startups with Jason Calacanis, and did what Jason calls “making love to the sponsors.” So you might catch a few shout-outs to our sensational sponsors—Ooyala, AMD, Sony Creative Software, Showbiz Software, and Blip.tv. As fellow panelist Brian Gramo of TheStream.TV quipped, “you can’t TiVo past that” when we showed the sponsors some love.

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In all over 550 attendees made it out to the Meetup, all buzzing with a renewed energy

that brighter times are here for web series. You could feel it and see it in the faces of creators and enthusiasts in the room. Rob Welkner of Coin-Op TV Live made a nice writeup of the Meetup, with his co-host Hailey Bright on the panel. As Welkner concluded,

“Overall the Meetup helped verify what we at TheStream.TV have known for over three years now – that live streaming Internet TV is here to stay and a viable way of providing entertaining and interactive content.”

J. Sibley Law, creator of a series called The Oligarch Duplicity, was the winner of the spiffy new HP laptop from AMD. The super-fast ATI graphics card, also from AMD, went to Aaron Kaiser of AntiKaiser Productions, and the Sony Vegas 9 Pro software went to Workshop the Series co-creator Nate Golon.

With the news breaking yesterday about our acquisition of NY-based Tilzy.tv, it was great having Tilzy’s Josh Cohen and Jamison Tilsner on hand in LA to get the new Tubefilter crew off on a high note. For NYC web series folks, we’ll have info soon about the next New York Web TV Meetup so be on the lookout for it!

Some photos from the night (more coming):

Published by
Marc Hustvedt

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