Categories: Tilzy.TV


Slate dubs it The Most Meta Internet Video Ever. That’s accurate.

That title most likely formerly belonged to Dan Meth’s ode to Internet People. But the animator’s viral video about viral video stars doesn’t even come close to being as self-referential as Scott Blaszak’s streaming tribute to streaming media. Just wait….and see.

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Blaszak is a self-described “media producer and screenwriter in New York City,” whose writings have appeared on McSweeny’s and whose

video parodies – including a LonelyGirlAsk a Ninja mash-up – have quietly circled the web.

One question: Why end with a cheap shot at web video? Hey Scott, don’t get all David Lynch. The internet’s a perfectly good medium that’s capable of producing products that are more than "kind of a lame joke," and has helped a number of artists, including yourself, gain some deserved notoriety.

Published by
Joshua Cohen

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