Categories: Tilzy.TV

Pick Hillary's Campaign Song

I feel like the phrase “surfing the web” should go away forever. It’s dated, yes, but it’s not a bad phrase. It’s just that surfing implies fluidity. Most of the time, I find myself stumbling into things on the internet.

So when I was stumbling into things on the internet today, I found Hillary Clinton‘s “Pick My Campaign Song” videos on YouTube.

Last week, Senator Clinton had asked YouTube viewers to send in music videos overlaid with an original or commercial song, showcasing how well their song choice blends with her campaign goals, tone, and overall image. The winner would become the official song of the Senator’s 2008 presidential campaign.

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In this video, she introduces several clips of some of the videos viewers had sent in.

Now, obviously, there were probably

more bad videos than there were good (as you can see from the brief clip of a man singing while his shirt falls off…because he’s standing on his head). And the choices that made it into Round 2 include more bad songs than good. But this is still a pretty fresh idea.

The video portion of the contest is over, but you can still help choose the song that made it to the second round. Check out the video below for more details and vote on the official campaign site. Just please don’t pick KT Tunstall’s “Suddenly I See,” which, unfortunately, appears to be winning. I don’t care what your politics are, but that will be torture on a national scale if that song continues to exist in popular culture.

Published by
Zach Jones

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