Hot Models 'Pushed' TheWB Into Racy Drama

Pretty people and big name producers continue to dominate programming over at Pushed is no exception. Created by former Law and Order producers Morgan Gendel and Jeremy Littman, Pushed has definitely brought the art of suspense, with a big whiff of soap opera, to this newest WB addition. The show is another one to add to the guilty pleasure list if you like a good tale of who’s your enemy, who’s your friend, who’s your lover, who’s your murderer. Pushed is really almost like a better version of The Bold and the Beautiful in bite sized, easily consumable chunks.

It’s classic soapy setup – London Willows, a stunning young model (Veronica Taylor) not knowing who to trust as her husband Kurt (Mark Matkevich) plays mind games trying to get her to believe she’s responsible for a bloody family accident. Catherine Hicks star as Dr. Rosen and  William R. Moses, Holland Roden and Scott Seymour rounding things out.

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After just writing about TheWB’s Rockville, CA I start to get the feeling TheWB has clearly defined their target demographic of a young female audience. I’ve got to say, they’re nailing it. As a young female who usually prefers 30Rock with her side of Ben and Jerry’s, I am nonetheless eating up what is becoming a distinct brand of WB web TV—good looking people doing either dramatic or funny things, typically underscored by a pining or passionate romance.

Additionally the site has been in the habit lately of posting entire series all at once, cleverly keeping you on the site for hours on end, devouring a web series and then hitting it up your favorite Friends

rerun (as I did when watching all 25 episodes of Pushed).

Littman and Gendel produced the series through their Anvil Studios, and the pair offered us some insight about their first foray in web television, and what it’s like to work with such amazingly pretty people.

Tubefilter: Where did the concept for the show come from?

Littman and Gendel: We’ve spent a moment or two fantasizing about wiring up our houses so any arguments with our wives could be settled with an instant replay. So the initial idea was simply that this house had hidden cameras, and the husband spied on his wife and everyone else. The specifics of the thriller came later.

Tubefilter: How was the casting process searching for so many hot models?

Littman and Gendel: Yeah, it’s rough work, right? But the truth is, we saw only actors-some of whom had modeling experience and some didn’t. Veronica Taylor fell into the former category.

Tubefilter: What about Pushed do you think will keep audiences watching?

Littman and Gendel: Any time you can mix battles over sex, money and family into one series you’ve got a head start on turning entertainment into crack.

Tubefilter: Will there be a second season of Pushed?

Littman and Gendel: We sure hope so because things are just starting to heat up! Remember, London just realized the horrific truth about her mother’s death. Not to mention, Kurt is on the loose with a gun and a very stale beer… Also, whatever else we are involved with, we want to keep producing for the web.

Published by
Lindsay Stidham

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