Twitter Shares Research About Video Ad Impact, Tips For Working With Influencers

By 08/10/2016
Twitter Shares Research About Video Ad Impact, Tips For Working With Influencers

Twitter has conducted several studies about the value in running video ads across its platform, as well as the value for brands in working with influencers — and now it’s sharing top tips on how to best harness these unique powers.

In a study conducted alongside Dentsu Aegis Network, a global media group, and consumer neuro research firm MediaScience, Twitter found that ad recall was 20% higher than any other video platform. When serving ads to participants in the study, “We saw that on both mobile and desktop, cognitive effort, or information processing, decreased on all platforms tested except Twitter, where it actually increased,” the company writes in a blog post.

Twitter also says the fact that ads appear within a feed environment with the sound turned off actually elicits more emotional engagement. Consequently, consumers who see video ads on Twitter are 12% more likely to recommend the respective brand to their friends and family as opposed to those who see the same ad on television. Additionally, “viewers perceived brand messages on Twitter to be two times more favorable than the same content on television,” the company says.


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Twitter, which also owns Niche — an ad network that pairs 35,000 social media creators with brands — says that after facilitating more than 600 total campaigns, it has developed a handful of best practices for brands looking to work with influencers. (Nearly 40% of Twitter users say they’ve made a purchase as a direct result of a Tweet from an influencer, the company says, and, in the first half of 2016, creator campaigns provided an average 84% increase in brand awareness.) That’s why it’s important for brands to focus on relaying one marketing objective per piece of content, according to Twitter — thus enabling the influencer to have enough room for his or her own creative and authentic expression.

Twitter also stresses the importance of including captions within video ads. “Whether the caption extends the video’s narrative, brings a hilarious joke full circle, or asks for responses, a clever caption can make all the difference,” according to the company. Finally, it’s critical to continue to foster relationships after the sponsored post has been deployed. Replying to comments, reposting, engaging with user-generated content on a brand’s own channels, and adjusting ad spend in real-time are all indispensable components of the marketing process, Twitter says.

For more tips on how to best work with influencers, check out the company’s marketing blog right here.

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