Fund This: ‘Carbon Dating’ Aims To Be “Golden Girls 2.0”

By 07/29/2015
Fund This: ‘Carbon Dating’ Aims To Be “Golden Girls 2.0”

Welcome to the Fund This column! Each week, we’ll look at a planned web series or other online video project currently in search of funding on crowdfunding sites. We’ll tell you what the series is all about and explain why it is worth your money. Do you have a project that’s currently being crowdfunded? Contact us to let us know and we may feature it in upcoming installments and check out previous installments right here.

Project Name: Carbon Dating

Asking For: $20,000 on Indiegogo


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Amount Raised Thus Far (At Time Of Post): $17,431

Days Remaining In Campaign (At Time Of Post): 3

Description: The web series industry is not just a young person’s game. By pitching her concept on Indiegogo, Amanda Serra is hoping she can bring viewers “Golden Girls 2.0.” Serra is the creator of Carbon Dating, a web series about “the misadventures of two Baby-Boomer women awkwardly aging in a youth-oriented society.”

Carbon Dating will follow its two leads as they fight the foibles of old age across a series of silly situations. Based on a plot description, there will be online dating and pole dancing involved, but also “brittle bones and public incontinence.”

In order to make her web series a reality, Serra has recruited a slew of age-appropriate cast members, who all have plenty of experience in the entertainment industry. Her co-star, Marcie Barkin, appears alongside her in the project’s pitch video.

Creator Bio: Serra has put together a decades-long career in TV, film, and theater. As she explains on her personal website, she also “grew up on the Mississippi River on a steamboat.”

Best Perk: Backers who give $100 to Carbon Dating will receive a 15-minute conversation with its creators. If you’re not sure what topics to discuss, I think this would be a fun one.

Why You Should Fund It: There are enough web series out there created by young people who are trying to find their place in a crazy world; it’s time to give some older folks a go. By approaching a well-weathered web series genre from an atypical perspective, Carbon Dating can offer something different from what we usually see. It has a strong foundation, a talented team, and, if its attentive pitch video is any indication, solid production values. Serra and her colleagues are close to reaching their goal, but they only have three more days to accomplish it. Wouldn’t you like to be the one who puts them over the top?

Got a crowdfunding campaign you’d like to see featured in Fund This? Be sure to contact us here.

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