‘Epic Meal Time’, Bud Light Cook Up 275,000 Calorie Super Bowl Feast

By 02/03/2014
‘Epic Meal Time’, Bud Light Cook Up 275,000 Calorie Super Bowl Feast

Epic Meal Time has made a Super Bowl tradition out of extravagant foods that pun on the names of star players, but this year, they took the NFL cooking game to the next level. As part of a branded partnership with Bud Light, YouTube’s most popular cooking channel created a “Snack Stadium“: 275,000 Calories of unhealthy Super Bowl treats, arranged in the shape of a football stadium.

In order to construct the edible arena of fried foods, Epic Meal Time took over the kitchen of the Bud Light Hotel, a massive cruise ship that anchored in the Hudson River the weekend before the Big Game. As his team cooked up their usually bacon-filled cuisine, Harley Morenstein introduced a trio of guest stars: Chase Jarvis, David Koechner, and fellow YouTuber Timothy DeLaGhetto.

The combination of bite-sized fans, cake turf, and pepperoni uprights came out just short of 200,000 Calories. An additional 75,000+ Calories of Bud Light stadium walls brought the total above 275,000, and while all that beer definitely counts as Epic Meal Time inflation, I am impressed nonetheless.


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There’s nothing like an Epic Meal Time Snack Stadium to put all those other puny Super Bowl Snack Stadiums to shame. Of course, I’m now curious to see how high the EMT Calorie counter can go. Can it crack 200,000? 500,000? Could we reach one million before the entire EMT crew drops dead from their inevitable heart attacks? The sky (as well as the worldwide pig population) is the limit.

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