Sci-Fi Series ‘Out of Time’ Raising Money For Movie Theater Tour

By 02/27/2013
Sci-Fi Series ‘Out of Time’ Raising Money For Movie Theater Tour

An indie sci-fi series is taking an innovative approach to distribution. A group of Toronto-based creators are seeking $40,000 on Indiegogo for ten episodes of Out of Time, a thrilling time travel story. When the funds are raised, the production team behind the series plans to screen it in ten different movie theaters across the US and Canada, giving viewers a chance to experience their work on the big screen.

Out of Time began as a single thirty minute pilot, and after gaining some acclaim at local festivals, its team put pedal to the metal for a full series. By attempting to raise 40 grand and committing $10,000 of their own money to the project, writer/producer/actor Steve Kasan and his team are nothing if not optimistic. Though the Indiegogo campaign doesn’t close until March 22, Out of Time still needs plenty of help, as it has only raised a smidgen of its proposed budget.


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It is the theater screenings, however, that elevate Out of Time and make it more than just another sci-fi web series project. It is lined up to play in ten different movie theaters, potentially at some point in 2014. The theaters span all of North America, including Canadian locations in Toronto and Vancouver. US locations include New York, Miami, Minneapolis, and Seattle. Each screening will include the 30 minute initial feature and the first two fifteen minute episodes.

Of course, the creative manner of distribution requires some assistance on our part. If the available YouTube content jazzes you, donate to Out of Time before it runs out of time (badum tish).

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