Fantasy Football LIVE, The @aplusk One, 6:30 PM Tonight

By 10/14/2009
Fantasy Football LIVE, The @aplusk One, 6:30 PM Tonight

Fantasy Football Live- Ashton KutcherA couple weeks back we asked the rather obvious question, Where are all the fantasy football web series? We had found a few, some scripted, some not. It was right around then that we came across a fantasy football goldmine, Fantasy Football LIVE, a weekly, hour-and-a-half live web show all about NFL for us armchair GMs.

It’s  the latest of Asthon Kutcher’s web originals, and somehow has me way more hooked than KataylstHQ or the on-hiatus Blah Girls. In full disclosure, I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’m a fantasy football nut and this show is right up my alley. But even if debating the likelihood of LT’s return to glory or the durability of  Willie Parker’s turf toe isn’t your thing, you still have to appreciate the fact that this live show pulls in an average of 10,000 simultaneous viewers in its first few weeks.


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Now, it doesn’t hurt that @aplusk himself is on the show, and he tweets out weekly about the series to his 3.6 million followers. The series airs live on UStream and Facebook, under Kutcher’s channel and the live chatrooms and Twitter are a key part of the fan interaction. So if you’re trying to figure out why Willis Magahee is worth a start after he laid down a 0-pt stinker last week, you can tweet like this fan to @aplusk to (possibly) have it answered by the hosts. Speaking of hosts, Kutcher isn’t just there for vanity. He knows a thing or two about fantasy, holding his own with his resident FFB expert Nate Zegura.

There is the little issue of the name of the show, since Yahoo also calls their fantasy football web series Fantasy Football Live. Googling for the show comes up with the Yahoo Sports version, which is shot to tape. There are also about a dozen other series that offer tips and pseudo-expert commentary out there. But with LIVE web series being the theme of the week on Tubefilter, there’s no question this is our favorite…for now.

Watch the live stream here:

Live Broadcast by Ustream.TV

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