Instagram Model Attacked By Shark While Attempting To Snap The Perfect Shot

By 07/12/2018
Instagram Model Attacked By Shark While Attempting To Snap The Perfect Shot

Anything in the name of content.

A Miami-based Instagram model named Katarina Zarutskie was attacked by a nurse shark last month while attempting to snap a picturesque photo in the Bahamas.

Nineteen-year-old Zarutskie was on vacation at the time with her boyfriend and his family, and spotted a pack of nurse sharks in the water interacting with some snorkelers, reports the BBC. Sensing that the moment was ripe for a post, she promptly hopped into the water and laid on her back while the sharks — which are typically harmless — swam around her as her boyfriend’s dad attempted to capture the eerily beautiful scene.


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Suddenly, however, one of the sharks latched onto her wrist, and Zarutskie was yanked underwater for several seconds. She was able to quickly wrestle herself free, and then instinctively covered the wound to stop the blood from spreading through the water, per the BBC. In the wake of the incident, she has received stitches and antibiotics, but may still have to undergo surgery to remove fragments of shark tooth lingering in the wound.

And at the end of the day, the image may have had the opposite affect that Zarutskie intended. Despite the fact that the incident has gone somewhat viral online and garnered her Instagram account tens of thousands of new followers (from 13,000 followers on July 10 to roughly 47,000 today), Zarutskie has received an onslaught of negative comments accusing her of being shameless and stupid — leading her to ultimately make her account private.

You can check out some of the images of the incident, which was captured in full by Zarutski’s boyfriend’s father, over at the BBC.

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