Indie Spotlight: Irish Up-And-Comers Live Through The ‘Long Dark Twenties’

By 03/30/2018
Indie Spotlight: Irish Up-And-Comers Live Through The ‘Long Dark Twenties’

We receive a ton of tips every day from independent creators, unaffiliated with any major motion picture studios, television networks, new media studios, or other well-funded online video entities. The Indie Spotlight is where we’ll write about and shout out to a select few of them and bring you up to speed on the great (and sometimes not-so-great) attention-grabbing series you probably haven’t heard about until now. Read previous installments here.

As the web series medium spreads across the globe, far-flung creators are applying its common tropes to their own lives. With that thought in mind, take a peek at Long Dark Twenties, a “young people trying to keep themselves together”-type of comedy that comes to us from Ireland.

In Long Dark TwentiesLuke Benson and Kelly Shatter portray Ben and Lily, a pair of protagonists who struggling and often failing to control their lives. Individual episodes reveal their candid conversations with one another, in which they do all they can to help each other sort out their respective issues. In the first episode, for example, they must beat a hangover stemming from an all-nighter in order to keep up appearances at work.


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Hangovers, it would seem, are something of a common theme for Long Dark Twenties, which will soon begin its second season. A successful Kickstarter campaign hints that the new episodes will feature “trial by romance, career, MURDER, and worse still, Dublin traffic.” You can check them out on YouTube beginning on May 7.


Got a series you’d like to see featured in the Indie Spotlight? Be sure to contact us here. For best coverage, please include a full episode in your e-mail.

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