You Can Watch This Morning’s Super Blue Blood Moon On YouTube

By 01/31/2018
You Can Watch This Morning’s Super Blue Blood Moon On YouTube

If you missed this early morning’s “super blue blood moon,” you’re in luck. Livestreams of the lunar event are now available to watch in multiple places online.

In the morning of Wednesday, January 31, viewers who woke up around 5:30 AM EST were able to watch the unique results of a supermoon converging with a total lunar eclipse, thanks to a livestream from NASA. Viewing was prime in the western part of the US, where those in Alaska and Hawaii could see the event without aid of a telescope.

For those who value their sleep above a lunar phenomenon, is still showing the NASA-filmed event here. Additionally, you can watch a video of the action on Slooh’s YouTube channel and website (and right here):


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Slooh is a robotic telescope that anyone can “look through” online. Super blue blood moon video from Slooh and NASA feature footage from the Griffith Observatory, located in Los Angeles, California (you know, where James Dean and Natalie Wood hang out in Rebel Without a Cause). Recordings were also captured at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California and the University of Arizona’s Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter Observatory.

A supermoon happens when the moon’s orbit is closer to Earth. This supermoon coincided with a full moon (aka a “blue moon”), which resulted in a total lunar eclipse in some locations. A lunar eclipse, which puts the moon in the earth’s shadow, makes the moon appear reddish, like blood, hence the name for this morning’s phenomenon. The event can also be called a “Supermoon Trilogy.”

NASA provides constant live footage from space on its website. Online video, it seems, is a lot bigger than just YouTube and Netflix. It can literally take us out of this world.

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