Fund This: Two ‘Hobbyists’ Fumble Their Way Through New Activities

By 12/20/2017
Fund This: Two ‘Hobbyists’ Fumble Their Way Through New Activities

Welcome to the Fund This column! Each week, we’ll look at a planned web series or other online video project currently in search of funding on crowdfunding sites. We’ll tell you what the series is all about and explain why it is worth your money. Do you have a project that’s currently being crowdfunded? Contact us to let us know and we may feature it in upcoming installments and check out previous installments right here.

Project Name: Hobbyists

Asking For: $6,000 CAD ($4,675.20 USD) through Indiegogo


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Amount Raised Thus Far (At Time Of Post): $2,170 ($1,690.86 USD)

Days Remaining In Campaign (At Time Of Post): 15

Description: Trying out new hobbies can be a great way to meet people, but you also run the risk of embarrassing yourself. Luckily, if you play your cards right, your growing pains can result in hilarious entertainment. Carter Pinkowski and Taylor Patterson are the co-stars of Hobbyists, which will chronicle their attempts to discover and master new leisure activities.

In each episode of Hobbyists, its hosts will select a new subculture to explore. As part of their research, they’ll interview an expert and do some prep work before diving in. Some of their chosen activities, such as skydiving, will be require intense physical control. Others, such as LARPing and bird-watching, will demand mental acuity instead. No matter the challenge, Pinkowski and Patterson’s struggles will be played for laughs. Their influences, a pitch video tells us, include The Try Guys and the Canadian TV series Kenny Vs. Spenny.

With the funds they raise on Indiegogo, Pinkowksi, Patterson, and their cohorts plan to fund an initial six-episode run.

Creator Bio: Patterson has performed stand-up sets around the Toronto area. Pinkowski’s video editing work includes several promos for the TV channel Viceland.

Best Perk: Backers who chip in at least $25 will receive a “tasteful nude” photo from one of the two Hobbyists. As the perk description reminds us, you only get to select one nude, so “choose wisely.”

Why You Should Fund It: At this point, we have little idea what individual Hobbyists episodes will look like, nor is it easy to ascertain how Pinkowski and Patterson will bring their personalities to the production. But the pitch video displays zippy editing and strong comedic timing, and the show’s predominant idea is both simple enough to be feasible and unusual enough to be engaging. I’m eager to see what these curious Canadians put forth once they get the funding they seek.

Got a crowdfunding campaign you’d like to see featured in Fund This? Be sure to contact us here.

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