Fund This: For ‘Typecast’ Monsters, Horrific Roles Are A Nightmare

By 11/15/2017
Fund This: For ‘Typecast’ Monsters, Horrific Roles Are A Nightmare

Welcome to the Fund This column! Each week, we’ll look at a planned web series or other online video project currently in search of funding on crowdfunding sites. We’ll tell you what the series is all about and explain why it is worth your money. Do you have a project that’s currently being crowdfunded? Contact us to let us know and we may feature it in upcoming installments and check out previous installments right here.

Project Name: Typecast

Asking For: $52,000 through Kickstarter


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Amount Raised Thus Far (At Time Of Post): $5,795

Days Remaining In Campaign (At Time Of Post): 26

Description: Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: A bog monster, a werewolf, and a zombie walk onto a film set. If you think that sounds like the premise for a fresh, original joke, you’ll want to check out Typecast, a project that is currently crowdfunding on Kickstarter.

The heroes of Typecast are literal monsters, and they live in a world where their kind are pigeonholed into very specific acting roles. While they are able to find work as scary villains, they yearn for greater pastures. Viewers will follow along as our Typecast leads look to break out of unpleasant commercial gigs or seek top billing in a drama. Their struggles are those of young actors, even though their features are macabre and ghastly.

Series creators Ben Paddon and Mac Beauvais offer further details in their pitch video, during which they also show off some of the monstrous comedy Typecast viewers can expect.

Creator Bio: Paddon’s credits include PortCenter, a web series about video games that have been ported to new platforms. Beauvais has appeared on that series; she is also the co-host of the podcast Disney Distilled and a regular cosplayer.

Best Perk: At the $35 level, backers receive a fragrance designed to smell like Full Moon Flakes, the fictional cereal advertised by Typecast‘s protagonist. It’s a scent that can make you into a big hit at breakfast.

Why You Should Fund It: It’s difficult to uncover truly original web series conceits these days, but with Typecast, Paddon and Beauvais have put forth an undeniably novel concept. Like any great piece of genre fiction, the planned series has the potential to transcend its supernatural roots and make a comment on the way our society — and our entertainment industry in particular — operates. If you’d like to see what sort of story Typecast tells across eight episodes, consider helping its creators out.

Got a crowdfunding campaign you’d like to see featured in Fund This? Be sure to contact us here.

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