Amazon Weighing New Ad Programs To Make It A More Formidable YouTube Competitor (Report)

By 10/10/2017
Amazon Weighing New Ad Programs To Make It A More Formidable YouTube Competitor (Report)

Amazon is reportedly amping up its digital video ad play in a major way by increasing ad opportunities across its sites, developing a program that would pair video creators and marketers to create sponsored content, and seeking to implement new tech that would prevent ads from running against inappropriate content.

The above efforts, according to a CNBC report, illustrate that Amazon is seeking to become a more formidable YouTube competitor. In seeking to prevent content from appearing next to egregious content, for instance, Amazon is presumably hoping to avoid the firestorm that YouTube continues to endure in the form of the so-called ‘Adpocalypse’.

CNBC also notes that Amazon — which owns Twitch and operates Amazon Video Direct (AVD), whereby anyone can post and monetize video content via ads, rentals, purchases, and subscriptions — may be open to giving advertisers more data about viewer behavior. While AVD is similar in theory to YouTube, the company doesn’t yet share data about ad performance or allow third-party auditing — and it’s also more expensive than running ads on the Google-owned video giant, per CNBC.


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That said, even though YouTube has nearly four times as many monthly active users as Amazon, the e-tailer holds imperative data about users’ shopping habits that would likely represent a huge boon for marketers.

For additional details about Amazon’s reported ad push, check out CNBC‘s report in full right here.

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