Fund This: Wayside Creations’ ‘Fallout: Nuka Break’ Is Back For More

By 07/01/2014
Fund This: Wayside Creations’ ‘Fallout: Nuka Break’ Is Back For More

Welcome to Fund This, a new column here at Tubefilter. Each week, we’ll look at a planned web series or other online video project currently in search of funding on Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or any other similar crowdfunding sites. We’ll tell you what the series is all about and explain why it is worth your money. Do you have a project that’s currently being crowdfunded? Contact us to let us know and we may feature it in upcoming installments and check out previous installments right here.

Project Name: Fallout: Nuka Break – Tales From The Wasteland

Asking For: $20,000 on Kickstarter


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Amount Raised Thus Far (At Time Of Post): $27,794 (but there are stretch goals)

Days Remaining In Campaign (At Time Of Post): 28

Description: Fallout: Nuka Break is one of best-known web series based around a video game franchise. It adapts the Fallout 3 universe for YouTube, following a motley band of adventurers as they journey across the desolate, post-apocalyptic Wasteland. After a successful fan film drew more than two million views, the production team at Wayside Creations released a well-received first season of Fallout: Nuka BreakWayside then tested fan interest through a Kickstarter campaign, which promptly raised more than $130,000 to fund season two of Nuka Break.

The second season brought the series to new heights, as it debuted on the main YouTube channel of multi-channel network Machinima. After completing season two, Wayside believed “we were done with Nuka Break.” However, the series’ fans are loud and dedicated, and they convinced Wayside to return to Kickstarter in hopes of realizing “some stories still left untold.” Tales From The Wasteland is one of those stories, as it will dive into the character of the Ranger, played by Cameron Diskin.

Creator Bio: Beyond Nuka Break, Wayside Creations also raised more than $120,000 for Legend of Grimrock, a web series based off a Finnish video game. That series (and most of Wayside’s other productions, including Tales From The Wasteland) is directed by Vince Talenti.

Best Perk: $500 is enough for a backer to receive a number of perks, including an actual prop from the Nuka Break set. Make sure to test the prop’s radiation level before touching it.

Why You Should Fund It: Nuka Break is a fan film, which means that Wayside Creations cannot monetize it on YouTube due to intellectual property rights. This speaks volumes about Wayside’s creative investment in its marquee series, its dedication to its fans, and the necessity of its multiple Kickstarter campaigns. This is a series that could not happen without the help of its backers, and while Tales From The Wasteland has already reached its base goal, increasing stretch goals will allow Wayside to make something bigger and better than initially planned.

Of course,  Tales From The Wasteland should be able to stand up on its own merits, not just the necessity of its crowdfunding campaign. Fortunately, if the quality of previous Nuka Break episodes is any indication, this is not a problem. Nuka Break is a very strong fan series that is both faithful to the source material and exciting enough to reel in new fans.

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