A Woman's Drunk History

By 07/15/2008
A Woman's Drunk History

18-24 year-old guys watch the most online video, so fratacular, phallocentric entertainment dominates the medium, so we’re used to seeing clips where hot chicks get pranked, series where silly, vapid girls prancing around is central to the script, and shorts with hot ladies acting drunk. With the latter, on or off-camera alcohol consumption generally leads to some act of faux promiscuity, not well-lubricated talks of women’s power and privilege.

So, it’s a welcomed respite from the internet’s omnipresent, user-generated T&A when a girl goes on camera, fully clothed, completely hammered, slurring her way through a description of some grand feminist act.

Last week such a rarity was uploaded (no, I’m not talking about Tracie Egan and Moe Tkacik) starring stand-up comic, Jen Kirkman. She plays the role of drunken scholar and hiccupidly narrates the third episode of Derek Water’s Drunk History.


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Like Virginia says, it’s an “I will Survive” story of a woman who “would not be defeated by the laws and ways of men!” featuring Danny Mcbride as a miscast, myth-defying George Washington.

Funny, though Drunk History in its current incarnation is starting to run dry. Instead of putting McBride, Jack Black, Clark Duke, and Michael Cera on the recreation side of the series, Waters should get them sloshed and talking to the camera.

If their agents won’t allow them to appear terribly intoxicated in an online series that they’re not getting paid for, at least shorten the episodes by a few minutes. The drunk schtick starts to get old. Or Waters could feed them more alcohol. A steady declension into incoherence would make for great comedy.

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