Aubrey Plaza Calls Lifetime’s ‘Grumpy Cat’ Christmas Movie “Insane”

By 11/12/2014
Aubrey Plaza Calls Lifetime’s ‘Grumpy Cat’ Christmas Movie “Insane”

Aubrey Plaza isn’t sure what to think of Lifetime’s upcoming film Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever. The actress and comedienne appeared on Jimmy Kimmel on November 11, 2014, to talk about the film’s production and her voice-over role as the feline internet sensation.

Plaza started off by explaining to Kimmel how Grumpy Cat had a larger entourage and more “rules” than she did. She thought it’d be funny to do a photoshoot with Grumpy Cat in a litter box and herself in a human-sized litter box, but the cat’s agent said Grumpy “wouldn’t be associated with litter boxes or any kind of bodily functions.” This may or may not be be true, but it’s hard to tell through Plaza’s insanely well-delivered dead-pan comedy.


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The actress also discussed the movie’s content, saying, “I think [it’s] the most insane thing I’ve ever seen… ever seen on page and ever seen come to life.” She added, “It operates on so many levels of irony I can’t even tap into them all.” She sarcastically joked about how the film “is a gift to America” before telling Kimmel and audience members to get in the right holiday spirit for the flick by drinking “a couple glasses of wine” while viewing.

However, Plaza doesn’t want audiences to overlook the importance of the film despite its eclectic nature. She told Kimmel, “It’s the first internet-meme-turned-movie that has ever happened. It’s a whole new world.” (Note that statement is not entirely accurate. Vice, for instance, teamed up with the equally adorable internet cat sensation Lil Bub in 2013 for a feature-length documentary dubbed Lil Bub and Friendz.)

Ultimately, Plaza said she hopes she “doesn’t let people down” (despite the trailer receiving over 5,300 dislikes within three days of launch). Grab those glasses of alcoholic eggnog and tune in to Lifetime on November 29 at 8 PM EST to decide for yourself if Plaza properly emulates Grumpy Cat’s notoriously-crotchety attitude.

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