'Quest for the Golden Hot Dog' is Potty Humor for Competitive Eating Fans

By 01/15/2009
'Quest for the Golden Hot Dog' is Potty Humor for Competitive Eating Fans

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and sometimes a hot dog is just a hot dog. But sometimes things aren’t as they seem and stuff gets a little weird. To quote a classic line from the song Cousin Earl by the Dead Milkmen: “Earl turns to me, and he says, ‘Did you ever go to make a pork sausage, and find that it’s got hairs all over it?’ and he gives me a look that still chills me to this day.’”

60Frames‘ original series, The Quest for the Golden Hot Dog, is kind of like that.


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Michael Busch (Upright Citizen’s Brigade), inspired from reading an article about how The International Federation of Competitive Eating legend Kobayashi couldn’t compete because of a jaw injury, thought it would be funny to create a show based on the world of competitive eating.  He was right.

In Episode 1 (there is only one so far) we meet our first competitor, Jen “The Natural” Chen, played by Micki Ann Maddox. Although extremely shy she seems to have a special knack for eating hot dogs. She finished second in a main event after entering on a dare. Says Rick Rogers (Dave Anthony), the “Voice” of competitive eating:  “She’s got a mouth made for wieners.” Zing!

Other memorable contestants include, The Hungry, Hungry Hipster (Jeff Davis), The Black Bomber (Demorge Brown), The Legacy (Armen Weitzman) and The Baron (Matt Besser).

Not afraid to take the hot dog pun to new levels The Quest for the Golden Hot Dog is full of excellent potty humor. In the scene introducing the slick Hungry, Hungry Hipster a couple at the registration table can hardly contain themselves as they gush all over him. The overheated wife asks, “Will you put a baby inside me?” to which the hipster deftly replies, “How about this. If you sign me up for this bad boy I’ll give you both a baby.” Nice!

60Frames also has a bonus interview with the official Hot Dog Girls (Bunnettes) where each gastronomic aficionado goes in depth about their love for wieners, especially jumbo wieners, and the efforts they would go through in order to find wieners in their earlier years.

So far so good. As noted earlier there is only one episode right now but at least three more will be released and if it’s a hit, I’m sure more will follow. Watch them all at 60Frames.com.

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