Talking with 'Cooking with Rockstars'

By 05/07/2008
Talking with 'Cooking with Rockstars'

Cooking with Coolio and Dinner with the Band are spinoffs, I think.  Jennifer Robbins, a veteran web designer and best-selling author of various books for (wannabe) geeks, started Cooking with Rockstars (Tilzy Page) in 2003, before most of us even realized that the internet might deliver video. 

This novel concept, which aims to reach behind the public persona of indie rockers and uncover their souls through culinary preferences, hasn’t fully realized its dreams just yet, but it is off to a big start.  Logistical restraints have prevented actual cooking with rockstars, but Jen assures me 2008 is the year it will happen.  Despite the lack of hands-on cooking, conversations about cooking with rockstars are refreshingly entertaining.

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They say that social media is all about the connections you make in the real world, and it’s true.  Jennifer Robbins is one of the nicest people on and off the internets.  I was lucky enough to catch up with her at South by Southwest.  Check it.


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Stay tuned for what is sure to be some guileless entertainment when real rockstars (and Jen) start really cookin’.


Jen has assured me that the cooking is “coming right up.” 

Nada Surf and Dresden Dolls are already in the can.  I am also heading out to LA this weekend to do some cooking with the Submarines… so I made good on my promise, ” Jen said via email.

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